Wednesday 22 August 2012

Law school countdown

And so it begins...

So I have been toying with the idea of a blog for quite a while and I have finally got around to doing it - hooray! My plan is to write an honest and frank account about law school. I have generally been worrying about law school, oooooh since I stopped worrying about starting University, and there are still so many questions I can't find answers to. So I will be the guinea pig and report back :)

A little bit about me: 

  • I am due to start the LPC in September (shudder) at a provider in London
  • I do not have a training contract *sniff*
  • My personality: I recently had to take a personality test for a vac schemed.... the outcome... I have a compulsion for organisation (correct!), I am determined (correct!), I am opinionated (what self respecting law grad isn't?) and a perfectionist (ah my weakness...). Other than these passive/aggressive characteristics I like to think I am good natured and, on rare occasions, I may even be funny.

So a quick rundown of the past 4 years since I started uni...

My first year was great. I loved Contract and Criminal and managed to scrape a 2:1 (wahoo!). I even managed to get a place on a vac scheme at the very last minute, albeit not a very prestigious vac scheme but a vac scheme none the less!

Second year was even better than the first. I honed the studying skills that are oh-so-important. I loved all my modules except Property, for which I was thankful I did well in Criminal as I honestly considered murder. A solid 2:1 topped off the year (even in Property- shock!). I started working at the Citizens Advice Bureau and a high street firm.

Third year .... hmm this is a tricky one. For some reason I was unusually distracted in my final year, and this was not the year for distractions. Equity and Trusts almost finished me off after the massacre that was Property Law. 3 weeks before the exams I received a 48 in my final piece of coursework. Needless to say, panic ensued. I dealt with this panic by giving up on Equity and Trusts, the logic being: Equity and Trusts is a lost cause, make everything else better and it will bring up that mark! I realised the error of this approximately 24 hours before the exam, for which I had by this point done NO REVISION. Yes you are reading this right, arguably the hardest exam of the LLB, my final year, 24 hours to go and NO REVISION. When results were released 3 days early (thanks Facebook!) I was not prepared. I had accepted my fate of the dreaded 2:2. My short lived and practically non existent legal career was over. 

Equity and Trusts..... 61%!!!!!!!!!! 

The exam God was looking down on me. And so I graduated, rather unexpectedly, with a good 2:1. 

....And now. I am finishing my FIRST PAID vac scheme in 3 weeks and 5 short days after that I will be a first year one last time! Please feel free to ask questions. Please be aware that although everything I say in this blog will be true, I am writing under "Penny" to protect my identity. I hope that this will enable me to provide a more honest account without risking any personal or professional repercussions. 

Happy reading!