Sunday 17 February 2013

Wills and Administration of Estates exam

Friday was the day of the Wills exam. It was a one hour MCQ paper and, to be honest, I was way too chilled out about it. I didn't begin my revision until Wednesday and even then it was slow paced. In my defence, I do prepare really well for the workshops so there was no missed reading/i-tutorials to catch up on. 

My lack of preparation only dawned on me at 6:00pm on Thursday evening when I achieved exactly 50% in the past exam paper online. Wills is marked on a fail/pass basis and so anything over 50% is irrelevant anyway, but I felt extremely uncomfortable that I had only scraped a pass. Cue panic. Needless to say, much cramming was had that evening and I arrived at 8am on Friday morning to do some final preparation with my friends. Cue second panic when I realised I had overlooked some quite vital consolidation work at the back of the Wills work book pack. I quickly completed the tasks, marked it and achieved... 56%. Oh lord. I worked through my errors and made notes of where I had gone wrong before we quickly headed off to the exam. 

Cue third panic when I sit down to realise the MCQ answer paper can only be marked in pencil and guess what? I had no pencils. A quick scout around sorted me out, and it wasn't a big deal, but I loathe to feel unprepared. Feeling panicked is a terrible way to begin an exam. I actually took a year out between my first and second years at uni but had left in January so when I returned I had to be manually entered onto the university data system. This genuinely caused me no end of problems: I wasn't on teacher email lists/registers, my electronic submission of assignments was not sent to tutors, I had no online timetable so received no change of time/room/etc notifications.... the list goes on. Anyway this all came to a head when the exams rolled around. Land law was first and as soon as I turned up to the exam I realised I hadn't been allocated a seat. I followed the people with the land law statute books to the main hall and explained my problem. Luckily they seated me at a spare desk at the back and put the relevant papers on my desk. Property Law. Hmmmm. Something didn't feel right. But I sat there until the exam started and opened my paper. It wasn't the same format as the past papers. Something definitely wasn't right. My tutor was stood at the back so I caught his eye and ushered him over:

"Am I in the right exam?"
"Err I'm not sure... are you in my property law class?"
"Yes I'm in your land law class"
"OHHH! No, land law is the the small hall at the other side of the building!"

Turns out, because I had already begun the land law course, all of us that had intermitted half way through the year were on the old version of the course and were taking a different exam. I ran to the small hall and explained I had no desk etc. I was eventually seated and achieved a 61 in that exam. But I genuinely believe to this day that the panic and anxiety I felt at the beginning of that exam affected my overall result. 

I digress. 

So I started the wills exam in a bit of a tizz. Luckily, there were't any questions I felt really really out of my depth with and I am hopeful that I will have passed. With BLP exams in 2 weeks, my terrible revision for wills has definitely made me realise I must be much more on the ball. Bring on the revision.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi I realise this post is 2 years old but if you do remember anything, is there any advice you could offer as to how to go about revising for the wills exam then that would be very helpful. My exam is this week and I've had a read through a past exam paper and found harder than I had anticipated :((

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