Tuesday 12 March 2013

BLP Exam

I am writing this post purely out of duty. I am really quite deflated following the BLP exam so I will explain in bullet points.

Written exam:

  • I couldn't sleep due to nerves and took the exam on just 30 minutes kip (not even exaggerating, my alarm went off just as I went into that lovely dreamy phase just before falling to sleep properly)
  • I took a wrong turn on the way to the exam and ended up sitting in traffic for about 40 minutes before I could turn off and go back. I therefore turned up to Guildford running late and had 10 minutes to get to the room.
  • Despite 2 weeks solid studying, I felt underprepared and not exactly confident, which does not bode well for morale! For whatever reason, lack of sleep/panic, I felt unable to think clearly and on a couple occasions found myself 10 minutes into a question and realising I had missed a vital, answer-changing piece of info, and then having to begin again.
  • ....This then resulted in an approximately 30 minute answer time deficit. I did two questions (worth 18 marks, 22% of the paper) in the remaining 40 minutes. And felt shockingly terrible about it. 
I think what has made this whole thing worse is the fact that I got 72% on the mock. I re-took the mock during my revision and got 84%. I also did the specimen paper in exam conditions and got 79%. You can understand my frustration as I am quite sure I will not be getting a distinction in the BLP written paper. 


  • More sleep this time! Phew!
  • However, HUGE fatal error. At the beginning of the Introduction to Professional Practice course we spent 2 workshops on balance sheets and liquidity, using the Solicitors Accounts textbook. Since then, these workshops haven't been mentioned and so I never thought to bring these notes or textbook to the BLP exam. This was also due to the fact we are doing a whole module next term on Solicitors Accounts. Shame that 5/15 of the questions were on balance sheets.....Yes, you heard right, a quarter of the paper based on only 2 out of 22 workshops. I could have kicked myself! I had done so well in those workshops and could have easily answered those questions with my notes.


Wills: 70%
BLP written: 55%
BLP MCQs: 60%


  1. Thank you for your sharing :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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