Saturday 20 April 2013

Results: PLR and Wills

I haven't written for a while. I think, after the catastrophe of the BLP exams I have been in a bit of a perpetual bad mood when it comes to the LPC. I met with friends on the first day back after exams and we had a big coffee catch up, dissecting every bit of those awful exams. We all came to the conclusion that, although we felt we were not fairly informed about the exams, what's done is done and it is time to move on. 

I have now completed 3 of my Employment elective workshops and all of the Solicitors Accounts workshops. I must say, they have been a joy! The sun has begun to shine, spring had sprung and there is definitely an air of new beginnings. 

So lets get down to business. Results. 

They were released on 18 April at 2:00pm. I was eagerly logging in before this but, alas, no luck. I logged in at 2:01 and there sat my transcript PDF to download. After 10 minutes of hovering the mouse over the 'open' button I finally did it. 


PLR - Competent 
Wills - 100%

Yes, folks, I GOT 100% IN MY WILLS EXAM! Absolutely ecstatic and just the boost I need to reinvigorate me for the final push.

But for now... back to business.... 

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