Tuesday 23 April 2013

TC Deadlines Looming

If any of you lovely lot are subscribed to the All About Law mailing list you will have received an email about Training Contract deadlines this morning. In it, AAL claim that out of 200 law students only 36 will secure a TC this year. That's a mere 18% (that's as advanced as my maths gets...). So what are you doing to make yourself one of the 'chosen ones' this year? Here is my strategy...

Whittle it down to 30 firms

I genuinely cannot endorse Lawcareers.net enough for this little tip. Their Training Contract search tool is amazing for whittling down those firms that match your criteria. Whether its location, pay or start date you can find the firms that meet your needs. Don't forget, applying for a TC is as much about what you want as it is about what the firms want. 

I have found that using these broad search techniques in just the right way, you can get a list of around 40 firms that would be suitable. Now have a little browse through and get rid of about 10-20 firms that are slightly less desirable to you, leaving you with a nice 20-30 firms left.

Research and Cull!

Now to research! This will involve getting the firm's website up (assuming they have one) and having a good old nosey around. Always have in your head what YOU are looking for. Be ruthless now, you really should be looking to have around 10 final choices. I have heard untold amounts of horror stories during university of students applying to upwards of 50 firms (even in the hundreds) and not getting a single interview. Stop wasting your time, success is not found in sheer quantity. 

I find the key areas to at look are:

  • Areas of work: if you are keen to get into an area of law make sure the firm you are applying to actually covers this area. This is particularly important if you interesting in a niche area of law. Simple enough.
  • The firm's ethos: I recently had a discussion with a fellow student about our dream careers. She was adamant that she will work 16 hour days and forgo a relationship and family in order to reach 'the top'. On the other hand, I want a job that allows me to have a social life. I don't want to be leaving the office at 5, but I certainly won't be a regular in the 'burning-the-midnight-oil' club. Do some research about what each firm expects from it's trainees. 
  • Trainee benefits: I would be lying if I said the salary and benefits do not matter. Of course they do! However, these are of varying importance to the individual. There are two things to bear in mind here. First, be realistic. The SRA has removed the minimum trainee salary and it's a very real possibility that you could be earning less than £20k in your first year. Look objectively at your qualifications and experience and choose firms you genuinely think you have a shot at. Obviously, it is also wise to have a couple of 'dream' firms in your 10 but don't let a first year salary of £35,000 completely dictate where you apply to. Second, set a minimum amount in your head that you would accept. I have done a full spreadsheet of outgoings and calculated how much would be the absolute minimum I could live off (in case you're interested it is £16k) bearing in mind having some money to have fun with! Any firms below this threshold you should seriously consider disregarding. Other trainee benefits, such as pension, access to a gym/creche, discounted legal rates are worth considering too. 
Make detailed notes during this process. Once you have researched all the firms try and put them in some sort of order of preference. The first 10 are your chosen firms - congratulations!

Law Fairs

Now you can begin the further research. Find out when these firms are attending career fairs and go along. Get chatting, ask questions, make contacts. Keep your ears open for news about your chosen firms. Jiggle your preference list around accordingly and keep making notes!


I have been doing the above process for the last 6 months so I am now fully prepared to begin my applications. There are 14 weeks until the general TC deadline. This means, 1 application per week and 4 free weeks for revision/exams. Perfect! 

My first application will be to my least favourite firm (sorry!) This method will ensure that you have gotten enough practice by the final application that your best effort will go to your most desired firm. This is the time to utilise your university careers service. Complete an application, make an appointment and take it along. Their feedback will be invaluable and could be the key to getting that interview.

Let me know how you all get on. I will be posting about my experience of aptitude tests soon. Good luck!

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