Friday 26 October 2012

Consolidation Week

I haven't blogged for quite some time. Truth be told, I have been completely rushed off my feet (yeah yeah I know, big surprise huh). Thankfully, we have reached consolidation week. If you think that translates as the LPC's version of University reading week you are hideously mistaken. Oh no no no monsieur, the work does indeed continue...

Course Updates.

We have now finished PLR (Practical Legal Research) and our first assignment for this was emailed yesterday *shivers*. Luckily PLR is one of the topics graded as Competent/Not Competent so 50% is all I need. 

We are now well into BLP (Business Law and Practice) with sessions in Tax, Partnerships and Company Law well underway. I have to say that I have quite surprised myself by absolutely loving Tax! The general feeling seems to be that it is rather refreshing to be studying something that requires theory, methodical calculations and only one correct answer at the end. Although, when you get the wrong answer and your calculations span three A4 pages....seriously frustrating. 


Good news! I have managed to get another part-time job! wahooo. Currently I am working as a legal assistant one day a week which is kinda not paying the bills, but I received a call from a small firm I did some work experience with a couple of years ago and I will be working their reception one day a week starting Monday. 


I think the biggest tip I could give from my experiences of the LPC so far is this: you must must must put in the hours. It seems pretty obvious but there are so many people in my classes who could not have possibly put in the required hours because they do not have a clue. Harsh, I know, but the way I see it is that if you are going to spend £13000 on a course you better bloody well make the most of it. This means only applying for the LPC when you know you are in the best position you can possibly be in to give the course a good shot. Give YOURSELF the best chance, competition is fierce. If you are working a 40 hour week, where do you think you can realistically fit in those extra 20 hours studying? (if you're part time that is). Yes it is easy to convince yourself you will do a 60 hour week, "it's only two years", "it will be worth it in the end", "who needs sleep/fun/food anyway?"; but the truth is, you are human, you get tired, you need time to do the things you enjoy and won't actually spend 2 years working like a farm horse. In reality, something will have to give and it sure as hell won't be your 9-5. Don't get me wrong, I really really admire those people who manage to juggle a million things and still do well. But these people are rare. I myself am not one of them. Be honest with yourself about what you can achieve and you can make the most out of the LPC.