Tuesday 29 January 2013

RESULTS: BLP mock exam

Last week started with thick snow on the ground and me trekking to work in hiking boots. Not ideal but I made it nevertheless. Those who live closer to Guildford than I had informed me that our papers and results for the BLP mock exam were available the previous Friday and the weekend was spend with small moments of anxious/excited worry. I know that it is only a mock but, with only 5 weeks until the real thing, a fail could seriously knock one's confidence. So work on Monday felt particularly long, and workshop prep all day Tuesday felt even longer. 

Wednesday arrived. 

I travelled to Guildford to meet my fate. But first- Insolvency! I must say I have quite enjoyed insolvency and I think it has been made even more interesting by the recent events involving HMV going into administration. It has been nice to have a case in the main news to apply my learning to! Results were the real talk of the class though. Everyone I spoke to had collected theirs apart from one other girl who sits on my table. The general consensus was- "I did well, but can do better", commendations seemed to be the common result. A few didn't pass. 

Lunch rolled around and off I traipsed in the freshly falling snow to collect my paper. I pulled it out and my stomach fell when I saw some scribble written on the front and a sad face:

jhjfshfjdhfhs :(

I looked to the mark boxes and saw: 

4/10 (oh no!)

HOLD UP! 72/100 - thats a distinction!! I GOT A DISTINCTION?!

In all my panic I hadn't taken the time to properly read the scribble which actually said:

Writing: C 
So I also was found to be Competent on the writing skill. What a relief!

My tutor had written that it was "a v.pleasant surprise". Not quite sure how to take this, but nothing can ruin my good mood. My hard work has paid off. 

The wills exam is in 2 weeks time and the real BLP exams are 2 weeks after that. My life at the moment consists of : work, LPC prep, revision, with the odd sprinkling of friends and Mr Big. But I am sure it will all be worth it. 

Oh... unfortunately didn't get any further with Eversheds. A couple of others in the pipeline so watch this space. 

Friday 11 January 2013

New Year Blues

So I haven't written anything in a while. Truth is, I have been enjoying some self indulgence brought by the Christmas break. I was quite lucky that the firm I work for take 3 whole weeks off at Christmas so it was a truly relaxing 21 days for me *ahhhhh*. 

Unfortunately, good things never last, and so Wednesday quickly rolled around and I shrugged off the last bit of Christmas and New Year cheer and traipsed back to the College of Law. Can you tell I was ever so excited? What with Wills, Insolvency and even more Company workshops I am not exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of the new term. Even better than that, the term will come to a magnificent crescendo with the sitting of the Wills and BLP exams. Hooray....

While I am moaning and feeling hard done by (clearly the full time workers of this world couldn't possibly have it as hard as me...) I would also like to bring to your attention a serious student faux pas which I was on the sorry end of this week. From the first day at college, certain groups of friends emerge and these groups have generally remained the same. One particular student that I have made friends with has attended maybe 60ish% of the classes. Now, I am totally fine with this. As I have made clear in previous posts - your money, your course, your decisions! But! What I am not totally fine with is that student, only 5 weeks before exams, asking for my notes on rather a lot of workshops because that student's notes are inadequate. Do they realise how long is spent on making these notes?! I know it sounds mean but I just don't think it's fair. One or two workshops- fair enough. But six or seven...

Anyway, we are due to get the BLP mock results next week so I am sure you will be hearing from me then. Apparently we should be upping the hours we spend studying in exam preparation so, on that note, must dash!

College weekly highlight

Trying the vending machine soup. Bloody awful!