Sunday 9 September 2012

You don't have to study in London...

The course starts in 3 days! And being the extremely sadistic person that I am I decided to make my last week of placement more stressful than it already was by changing the centre that I would be studying at. When deciding where to study I went through the standard BPP vs. CoL deliberations (I didn’t consider anything else mainly due to my location) and eventually chose the College of Law-  it seemed laid back and I thought that open book tests would suit my style of learning. 

For me, it was never a question to study anywhere other than London. Not only was it close to my home but being the capital and the home of many large firms, I figured my chances of securing a TC were higher if I was based there. Fast forward 9 months and cue the mini panic when I realise I would much rather attend a different centre, that I honestly don’t like London and spending even one day a week there would not be ideal and that it will cost me £49 per week WITH A RAIL CARD to get there. It took me 24 hours to switch centres and I am now a much happier bunny (picture rainbows, meadows and me hopping around like a loon).

So now I am tackling the pre-course work, which, by the way, is ridiculous! Nothing like throwing us into the deep end. It should take around 24 hours and this may not sound a lot but it was available only a week before the first day and I have been working full time. Again, cue panic. I really think I need to learn to control my stress levels if I want to survive the next 45 years of my life… Also this week: I have completed my Professional and Career Development loan forms, gotten those horrific passport pictures done for my enrolment and gone stationary shopping (ahhh my favourite part of the new academic year). I still haven’t received the SRA confirmation of my academic stage but I am not too worried as we have 6 weeks from the beginning of the course to provide this.

In other news, the company I was vac scheming with have offered me a part time job :D of course, I snapped it up and I am now a fully fledged member of staff with my own office, case-load and responsibilities. This opportunity will make such a difference to my TC applications after Christmas as I will now have 3 vac schemes, an 18 month stint at the CAB and employment as a Legal Assistant as my relevant legal experience. Bring on the applications!

The manfriend, let’s call him Tall-Dark-and-Handsome (TDH) is at a festival this weekend so I am getting some much needed rest and enjoying the beautiful weather before the craziness begins Wednesday *sips cocktail and reclines on sunlounger*

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