Saturday 28 September 2013

The Last First Day

School is back! And without wanting to get too sentimental and yucky, Wednesday was my last ever first day back at "school". Never again will I feel the excitement over new planners and timetables. Never again will we eagerly discuss our potential new tutor or lay out your first-day-back outfit the night before. I must say that the thing I will certainly miss the most is the new stationery. 

But onwards and upwards. 

The first day back consisted of registration with our new tutor, book collection and the first Civil Litigation workshop. 

Our new tutor is honestly amazing. I was sad to see that we were getting a new tutor as our last one was so approachable and a bit of a laugh but I am more than happy with his replacement. She is also the head of Civil Litigation which is great if we have any queries. 

Unlike last year I was a bloody idiot and didn't take my suitcase in anticipation of new books. Luckily for me, there was no book similar in size to the one of dreaded BLP legislation so I just about managed to lug my plastic package of first term books to class. Rookie mistake one. 

My second rookie mistake came in the form of the tiddly folder I thought was appropriate for the first session. My usual lever arches had a day off and stayed in their warm and cosy home on my bookshelf while this teeny weeny ring binder got a trip out to university to aid me in my Civil Lit endeavours. I was sorely mistaken to think this poor excuse for a folder could hold anywhere near the amount of paper we received and in the end I bundled it as best I could into my bag. Inconvenient. 

Civil Litigation was not at all what I expected. For some reason, many students tend to dread Civil Lit. I personally think it has to do with the two Advocacy workshops in the module. Either way, those students are wrong. I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed both the prep and the workshop. So far we have only really begun to cover the general litigation process and writing a letter of advice/response in the initial stages of a claim. I am very much looking forward to the progression of this module. 

One thing I am most definitely NOT looking forward to is Property Law and Practice (PLP). Anyone who has taken the time to read this blog from the beginning will know my history with Land Law and I am afraid that I never have, and probably never will, enjoy this area of the law. We have all gotta hate something right? Anyway, this wretched module does not begin for a couple more weeks so I am granted a brief reprieve. 

Other News

I was surprised to learn that not one single member of my class managed to secure a training contract this summer. In fact, surprised is an understatement; I was downright shocked.  There are some fantastically talented and dedicated individuals in the LPC classes, which is the case with every provider. My class is no different. I have no idea what happened but I am guessing that at least a small part of it is the sheer competitiveness in recent years and the ensuing bottle-neck of applicants. I genuinely have no idea what has happened to the world when students achieving high grades at degree and LPC level, volunteering and working 30+ hours, all maintained over a period of 3-5 years, cannot get a job in the legal sector. Who are the people getting these jobs?

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