Friday 23 May 2014

Results: Litigation, Property, Writing and Conduct

Although a little late, I am here to talk about results day last Thursday. The strangest thing about getting results is that no matter how well you feel you did during and directly after the exams, the more time spent waiting for your grades, the more you begin to self-doubt. With ten long weeks to wait between the final exam and results day, self-doubt was in abundance among my friends in the last couple of weeks. Most of us were working on that Thursday and, if I'm honest, it is a bit of a relief to have an excuse not to be able to have the pointer hovering over the "open" button at 13:59. By 15:00 I had mustered the courage to open results after finally accepting the realisation that not opening the results didn't change their outcome! 

I logged in to elite. And then received a text from a close friend to say she had opened hers and got distinctions in both. My stomach sank and I closed elite down. It took me twenty minutes to get back to the page and I finally checked my results:

Litigation                            85%
(civil litigation                     65/80)
(criminal litigation              20/20)

Property                             76%

Conduct                              90%

Writing                                Competent

Needless to say I was completely overwhelmed by the grades and have been the given the boost I need for the final push. We now have only one (YES ONE!) teaching week left at university before more exams and then the end. Commercial is going really really well, and although there is a lot of prep for the workshops I am definitely enjoying it. We have now done workshops on competition law and online sales contracts. This module is, unsurprisingly, heavily based in EU law (being International Commercial Law) so is not for the person wishing to forget all those wonderful EU regulations learned on the LLB/GDL. Private client is also going well but I am surprised about the sheer volume of tax work in this elective. Not that this is a bad thing from my tax-loving point of view, but I can see how some people are beginning to feel a little grumpy at the prospect of doing another exam on tax!

Now, off to prep for the final week. I hope you have all been enjoying the wonderful sunshine.

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