Friday 30 May 2014

The Last of the Last Days

Wednesday marked the very last day at university for me and many others in my classes. Amidst the teachers handing out review forms and giving us vital last minute exam information/tips there wasn't a lot of time to get nostalgic. I did bring in cake though, and cake always marks a special occasion. 

I can now officially say that I have completed all of the learning on the Legal Practice Course. I have been reflecting on the past two years and whether I feel I have achieved everything that I set out to achieve on the LPC. I am obviously disappointed that I won't be starting a training contract this coming September as I began the course in high confidence that I would be able to secure a TC starting in 2014. Things don't always go to plan. I do, however, have a promising job in a firm that have invited me to apply for their 2015 training contract, so it is not all bad. 

In addition, I have really concerted my efforts into succeeding on the LPC - more so than on the LLB. I am of course aware that the LLB is regarded much higher than the LPC but I am still proud that I have gone from averaging mid sixties to mid seventies, showing my dedication and the amount of time I have invested into this course. I am genuinely proud of my achievements (and I don't say that very often!). 

For now, it is revision for me in preparation of my final exams. They are  a week apart too which makes me feel far more relaxed about the whole affair. We are also arranging a large group meal for all my lovely form mates so that is something to look forward to! 

For those of you coming to the end of courses, whether they be the LLB, GDL, LPC or BPTC, I hope your last days and exams  went well :)

1 comment:

  1. HI There, I found this blog after I followed you on twitter. Just wanted to say thanks as it is interesting and helpful (I'm year 1 of a part-time LPC at Guildford). All the best with your exams and beyond! Cheers, Julia
